

How to use any page into your existing project

Example: If you need to copy dashboard page to your project then follow the steps

  • Context: You need to use Global Context Provider which provider a some shared state to each page. You need copy /src/contexts/global.{jsx/tsx}.
  • Also you need to wrap GlobalContext as we do in /src/app/AppProvider.{tsx/jsx}
  • Helpers: The you need to copy /src/helpers folder to your project, which contains utility helper functions
  • Components:
    • DaisyUI: Copy /src/components/daisyui folder to your project, which contains daisyui components implementation for react.
    • Forms: Copy /src/components/forms folder to your project, which contains form components.
    • Other: If your page need other components then it present in /src/components/* folders.
  • Dashboard: Copy /src/app/(admin)/dashboards/ecommerce folder
  • Server Action: Copy /src/actions/dashboards/ecommerce.{js/ts} file.
  • Database: Copy /src/database/dashboards/ecommerce.{js/ts} file.

How to use any page into your existing project

Example: If you need to copy dashboard page to your project then follow the steps

  • Context: You need to use Global Context Provider which provider a some shared state to each page. You need copy /src/contexts/global.{jsx/tsx}
  • Also you need to wrap GlobalContext as we do in /src/App.{tsx/jsx}
  • Helpers: The you need to copy /src/helpers folder to your project, which contains utility helper functions
  • Components:
    • DaisyUI: Copy /src/components/daisyui folder to your project, which contains daisyui components implementation for react.
    • Forms: Copy /src/components/forms folder to your project, which contains form components.
    • Other: If your page need other components then it present in /src/components/* folders.
  • Dashboard: Copy /src/pages/admin/dashboards/ecommerce folder
  • API Function: Copy /src/api/dashboards/ecommerce.{js/ts} file.
  • Database: Copy /src/database/dashboards/ecommerce.{js/ts} file.

How to use any page into your existing project

Example: If you need to copy dashboard page to your project then follow the steps

  • You can direct copy any HTML pages (from html/** folder), which is works in any daisyui project.
  • Copy all the included js in the that file to your project