

1.1 (Latest)

Pages / UI
  • 8 New Pages: CRUD Pages for ecommerce products, sellers, shops & customers
  • 5 Types of New Chart: Apex Charts Examples (Area, Bar, Column, Line & Pie)

Technology Stack (Upgrades)

  • Minor: Next.js 14.2.x
  • Minor: React 18.3.x
  • Minor: Typescript 5.4.x
  • Minor: daisyUI 4.12.x
  • Server Actions (Instead of axios)
  • Authentication using cookie (middleware)
  • Add select element with form validator (React-Select)
  • Radio input with validator
  • Add loading effect for all dynamic components
  • Add url support in breadcrumb for easy navigation
  • Enhancing documentation for better use
  • Hydration issue, when you refresh page
  • Toast font family now matching to admin fonts
  • Autocomplete input has weird background color
  • Some other minor issues
Dependency changes
  • Add: clsx (Classname utilities)
  • Add: culori (Dynamic color utilities)
  • Add: react-select (Custom select element)
  • Add: nextjs-toploader (Top loading indicator)
  • Removed: simplebar
  • Removed: axios (Behalf of server actions)
  • Removed: axios-mock-adapter

1.0 (Initial Release)

Technology Stack

  • Next.JS 14.1.x (App directory)
  • React 18.2.x
  • Typescript 5.3.x
  • daisyUI 4.7.x


  • Initial Release

1.1 (Latest)

Pages / UI
  • 8 New Pages: CRUD Pages for ecommerce products, sellers, shops & customers
  • 5 Types of New Chart: Apex Charts Examples (Area, Bar, Column, Line & Pie)

Technology Stack (Upgrades)

  • Minor: React 18.3.x
  • Minor: Typescript 5.4.x
  • Minor: daisyUI 4.12.x
  • Add select element with form validator (React-Select)
  • Radio input with validator
  • Add url support in breadcrumb for easy navigation
  • Enhancing documentation for better use
  • Toast font family now matching to admin fonts
  • Autocomplete input has weird background color
  • Some other minor issues
Dependency changes
  • Add: clsx (Classname utilities)
  • Add: culori (Dynamic color utilities)
  • Add: react-select (Custom select element)
  • Removed: simplebar
  • Removed: axios (Behalf of server actions)
  • Removed: axios-mock-adapter

1.0 (Initial Release)

Technology Stack

  • React 18.2.x
  • Typescript 5.3.x
  • daisyUI 4.7.x


  • Initial Release

1.1 (Latest, Initial Version)

Technology Stack

  • HTML 5
  • TailwindCSS 3.4.4
  • daisyUI 4.12.x
  • Vite 5.2.x

1.0 (Skipping, Due to making same versioning as core product)