
Create Page

Basic Instruction

  • You can create a page in /app directory, which is automatically add to routes
  • If you also create own types for that page then you need to create types in /types directory
  • If you need any server actions like fetching, create, edit data then you need to write server functions into /actions directory
  • If you need any database related function then it will goes to /database directory (Currently it has dummy database & dummy data, But in your case, if you want to setup own database with ORM then this folder good for consideration)
  • If you need to use specific assets (images, videos or any assets), then you use /assets/{images/videos/data}/

Creating Admin Page

  • You can create a page in /app/(admin)/ directory, which is automatically add to routes and also it will comes with admin layout
  • Remaining thing you should use Basic Instruction as above instruction

Note: For more details about folder structure you should look into

Basic Instruction

  • You can create a page in /pages directory. Also you need to add routes into /src/lib/routes/register.{tsx/jsx}
  • If you also create own types for that page then you need to create types in /types directory
  • If you need any api function like fetching, create, edit data then you need to write that type of functions into /api directory
  • If you need any database related function then it will goes to /database directory (Currently it has dummy database & dummy data, But in your case, if you want to setup own database with ORM then this folder good for consideration)
  • If you need to use specific assets (images, videos or any assets), then you use /assets/{images/videos/data}/

Creating Admin Page

  • You can create a page in /src/pages/admin/ directory. Hence you can add it any where and add it to routes. But for consistency, this folder is good.
  • Remaining thing you should use Basic Instruction as above instruction

Note: For more details about folder structure you should look into

Basic Instruction

  • You can create a page in /src directory or you can try out starter.html (empty and ready to use)
  • If you need any custom js for that page then add it to /src/public/assets/js/ directory
  • If you need to use specific assets (images, videos or any assets), then you use /src/public/assets/{images/videos/data}/

Note: For more details about folder structure you should look into